> 9+ 金輪際 意味 使い方 Article - Umnaz

9+ 金輪際 意味 使い方 Article

えっ、これも仏教語!?(53) 【こんりんざい】金輪際 佼成新聞デジタル
えっ、これも仏教語!?(53) 【こんりんざい】金輪際 佼成新聞デジタル from shimbun.kosei-shuppan.co.jp


Are you familiar with 金輪際? This is a term that has been gaining popularity in recent years, particularly in the Japanese language. It is often used in various contexts, but it can be challenging to understand its meaning and usage. In this article, we will delve into the world of 金輪際, exploring its meaning and how it is used in everyday conversation.

What is 金輪際?

金輪際 is a Japanese term that translates to "golden opportunity." It is typically used to describe a unique chance or opportunity that one should take advantage of. The term is often used in business settings, but it can also be used in everyday conversation. It is believed that 金輪際 originated from the Buddhist concept of the "golden wheel," which represents good fortune and prosperity.

Usage of 金輪際

When it comes to using 金輪際 in everyday conversation, it is essential to understand the context in which it is used. The term is often used to describe a rare opportunity that should not be missed. For instance, if someone offers you a job position that you have been dreaming of, you can say "これは金輪際ですね!" which means "this is a golden opportunity!"

Another context in which 金輪際 can be used is in business. If a company offers a deal or partnership that could potentially bring significant benefits, it can be referred to as a 金輪際のビジネスチャンス (golden opportunity business chance).

Examples of 金輪際 in Action

Let's take a look at some examples of how 金輪際 can be used in everyday conversation:

  • 私は、この金輪際のチャンスをつかむために一生懸命働きます。(I will work hard to seize this golden opportunity.)
  • この金輪際のビジネスチャンスを逃すわけにはいかない。(We cannot afford to miss this golden opportunity business chance.)
  • 彼女は、この金輪際の機会を見逃さないように頑張っている。(She is working hard not to miss this golden opportunity.)


金輪際 is a term that has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly in the Japanese language. It is used to describe a unique chance or opportunity that one should take advantage of. Understanding its meaning and usage is essential, particularly if you are planning to do business in Japan or communicate with Japanese speakers. So, the next time you come across a rare opportunity, remember to call it a 金輪際!

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