【画像で説明】新幹線の回数券 指定席を券売機で取る方法・もうみどりの窓口に並ばない! にこトピ from niko25niko.xyz
If you're planning to travel in Japan in 2023 and want to explore the country's famous bullet trains, known as Shinkansen, then you'll need to know how to use the ticket vending machines to purchase multiple passes. In this article, we'll guide you through the process step by step.
Step 1: Understanding Shinkansen Tickets
Before you purchase Shinkansen tickets, it's important to understand the different types available. There are regular one-way tickets and round-trip tickets, but the most convenient option for multiple trips is the Shinkansen Multiple Pass, which allows you to take unlimited rides on the bullet train for a set period of time.
Step 2: Locating the Ticket Vending Machines
Ticket vending machines can be found at most train stations in Japan, including those that have Shinkansen service. Look for the green machines with the JR logo on them, or ask station staff for assistance if you're having trouble locating them.
Step 3: Selecting Your Pass
Once you've found the ticket vending machine, select the "Shinkansen Multiple Pass" option from the main menu. You'll then need to choose the duration of your pass, which can range from one to three weeks.
Step 4: Payment
After selecting your pass, you'll be prompted to insert your payment method. The machines accept cash, credit cards, and Suica or Pasmo IC cards, which are rechargeable transportation cards that can be used throughout Japan.
Step 5: Collecting Your Pass
Once you've made your payment, the machine will dispense your Shinkansen Multiple Pass. Be sure to keep it in a safe place, as you'll need to show it to the train staff each time you board a Shinkansen.
Step 6: Boarding the Shinkansen
To board the Shinkansen, simply show your pass to the train staff before entering the platform. They'll check the pass and direct you to the correct train car.
Step 7: Using the Pass
With your Shinkansen Multiple Pass, you can take unlimited rides on the bullet train during the specified time period. Simply show your pass to the train staff each time you board, and enjoy your journey!
Step 8: Renewing Your Pass
If your Shinkansen Multiple Pass is about to expire and you want to continue using the bullet train, you can renew it at any ticket vending machine. Simply select the "Renewal" option and follow the prompts.
Step 9: Returning Your Pass
If you're finished using your Shinkansen Multiple Pass and want to return it, you can do so at any ticket vending machine. Select the "Return" option and follow the prompts. You'll receive a refund based on the remaining time left on your pass.
Using Shinkansen ticket vending machines for multiple passes is a convenient and cost-effective way to explore Japan in 2023. By following these simple steps, you can purchase and use your pass with ease, and enjoy the comfort and speed of the country's famous bullet trains.
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