> 9+ エンチャント の 本 使い方 Article - Umnaz

9+ エンチャント の 本 使い方 Article

倉庫の引っ越しが完了して、ダイヤ剣の強化をしてみた結果・・・#52【マイクラ実況】 YouTube
倉庫の引っ越しが完了して、ダイヤ剣の強化をしてみた結果・・・#52【マイクラ実況】 YouTube from www.youtube.com


Enchantment books are one of the most useful items in Minecraft. These books allow you to enchant your weapons, armor, and tools with various abilities, making them more powerful and useful in your adventures. In this article, we'll discuss everything you need to know about using enchantment books in Minecraft.

How to Obtain Enchantment Books

There are several ways to obtain enchantment books in Minecraft. One way is to find them in chests in various structures, such as dungeons, temples, and mineshafts. Another way is to trade with villagers, who may offer enchantment books as part of their trades. You can also obtain enchantment books by fishing with a fishing rod.

How to Apply Enchantment Books

To apply an enchantment book to an item, you'll need an anvil. Place the item you want to enchant in the first slot of the anvil and the enchantment book in the second slot. The cost of applying the enchantment will be displayed in the third slot. If you have enough experience levels, you can apply the enchantment by clicking on the anvil.

Types of Enchantments

There are many different enchantments available in Minecraft, each with its own unique ability. Some enchantments are more useful for weapons, while others are more useful for armor or tools. Some of the most useful enchantments include Sharpness, which increases the damage of swords, Protection, which reduces damage taken by armor, and Efficiency, which increases the speed of tools.

Enchantment Levels

Enchantments have different levels, which determine the strength of the enchantment. The higher the level, the more powerful the enchantment will be. However, higher levels also require more experience levels to apply. Some enchantments, such as Fortune and Looting, have a chance to increase their level when applied.

Combining Enchantments

You can combine enchantments on an item by using an anvil. Place the item in the first slot and another item with an enchantment in the second slot. The enchantments from both items will be combined, creating a more powerful item. However, combining enchantments can be expensive, so be sure to have enough experience levels before attempting to combine.

Enchantment Compatibility

Not all enchantments are compatible with each other. For example, you cannot have both Sharpness and Smite on the same sword. Similarly, you cannot have both Protection and Blast Protection on the same piece of armor. Be sure to check the compatibility of enchantments before applying them to an item.


Enchantment books are a valuable resource in Minecraft, allowing you to enhance your weapons, armor, and tools with various abilities. By following the tips in this article, you can make the most of your enchantment books and create powerful items to aid you in your adventures.

Happy enchanting!

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