日産純正ナビ載せ変え(MM317→MM516) 【設定編】(日産 ノート ePOWER・E12)by もけにゃん みんカラ from minkara.carview.co.jp
If you own a Nissan car, you might be familiar with the 日産 ナビ or Nissan Navigation System. This system has been designed to help drivers navigate through unfamiliar roads, find the best routes, and reach their destinations with ease. In this article, we will discuss the basics of using 日産 ナビ and how to make the most out of its features.
Getting Started
To use 日産 ナビ, you need to turn on your Nissan car and wait for the system to boot up. Once it's ready, you can access the navigation feature by pressing the "NAV" button on the dashboard or the touchscreen display. The system will then prompt you to choose your destination, either by inputting an address or selecting a point of interest.
Inputting an Address
To input an address, you can use the touchscreen display to enter the street name, city, and state or province. You can also input the house number if you have it. Once you've entered the address, 日産 ナビ will calculate the best route and display it on the map.
Selecting a Point of Interest
日産 ナビ also allows you to select a point of interest, such as a restaurant, gas station, or shopping mall. You can browse through the available options using the touchscreen display or search for a specific place by name. Once you've selected a point of interest, 日産 ナビ will provide you with directions on how to get there.
Customizing Your Route
日産 ナビ allows you to customize your route based on your preferences. For example, you can choose to avoid toll roads, highways, or busy streets. You can also select the fastest or shortest route, depending on your needs. To customize your route, simply access the "Route Options" menu and select your preferences.
Using the Voice Command Feature
日産 ナビ also comes with a voice command feature that allows you to control the system using your voice. To activate this feature, simply press the "Voice" button on the steering wheel and speak your command. You can use voice commands to input an address, select a point of interest, or customize your route. This feature can be very useful for drivers who want to keep their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.
In conclusion, 日産 ナビ is a powerful navigation system that can help you navigate through unfamiliar roads with ease. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you can make the most out of its features and enjoy a stress-free driving experience. Whether you're going on a road trip or simply running errands, 日産 ナビ has got you covered.
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