> 8+ 係る 使い方 References - Umnaz

8+ 係る 使い方 References

「係る」の意味とは?意味や使い方を解説! 言葉の意味の備忘録
「係る」の意味とは?意味や使い方を解説! 言葉の意味の備忘録 from meaning-words.com


Learning Japanese can be both exciting and challenging, especially when it comes to mastering complex grammar structures. One of these structures is 係る (kakaru), which can be translated as "to be related to" or "to depend on." In this article, we will explore the different ways in which you can use 係る in your Japanese conversations, as well as some tips and tricks to help you remember its usage.

Basic Usage

係る is a verb that is used to indicate a relationship between two or more things. For example, you can use it to say "A is related to B" or "B depends on A." Here are some examples: - 私の仕事は時間に係っています。(My work depends on time.) - 彼女の話は私には関係が係らない。(Her story is not related to me.)

Using 係る with Nouns

In addition to using 係る as a standalone verb, you can also use it with nouns to create more complex sentence structures. To do this, simply add the noun before 係る and use the particle の to connect them. Here are some examples: - 彼女の成功は彼女の努力に係っています。(Her success depends on her efforts.) - 今回のイベントは天候に係るため、中止になる可能性があります。(This event may be canceled due to the weather.)

Using 係る with Verbs

You can also use 係る with verbs to indicate a relationship between actions. To do this, add the verb in the て-form before 係る. Here are some examples: - 彼の健康は食生活に係っています。(His health depends on his diet.) - 彼女の幸せは自分自身に係ることだと思います。(I think her happiness depends on herself.)

Using 係る in Questions

Finally, you can also use 係る in questions to ask about the relationship between things. To do this, simply add the question word before 係る. Here are some examples: - この問題は何に係るのですか?(What is this problem related to?) - あなたの意見は彼の決断にどのように係るのですか?(How does your opinion relate to his decision?)

Tips and Tricks

Now that you understand the basic usage of 係る, here are some tips and tricks to help you remember its usage: - Practice using 係る in different sentence structures to get a better feel for its usage. - Use a Japanese-English dictionary to look up example sentences using 係る. - Create flashcards or use spaced repetition software to help you memorize the different ways in which 係る can be used. - Watch Japanese dramas or listen to Japanese podcasts to hear how native speakers use 係る in everyday conversation.


係る may seem like a complex grammar structure at first, but with practice and patience, you can master its usage and use it confidently in your Japanese conversations. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, these tips and tricks will help you remember the different ways in which you can use 係る to express relationships between things. So go ahead and give it a try!

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