> 8+ 計 使い方 References - Umnaz

8+ 計 使い方 References

超簡単!メーカーが推奨するカフ圧計の使い方 YouTube
超簡単!メーカーが推奨するカフ圧計の使い方 YouTube from www.youtube.com


If you're learning Japanese, you've probably come across the character "計" (pronounced "kei"). This character has several meanings and uses, and it's essential to understand its various nuances to use it correctly. In this article, we'll explore the different ways to use "計" in 2023.

Meanings of "計"

The most common meaning of "計" is "to measure" or "to calculate." For example, you might use "計" to talk about measuring ingredients when cooking or calculating the distance between two points. However, "計" also has other meanings, such as "to plan" or "to plot." In this sense, "計" is often used to describe scheming or plotting, such as in a political or business context.

Using "計" in Conversation

When used in conversation, "計" can be a bit tricky to use correctly. For example, if you want to say "I measured the ingredients," you would use "計る" (hakaru). However, if you wanted to say "I calculated the distance," you would use "計算する" (keisan suru). Similarly, if you wanted to say "I'm planning a trip," you would use "旅行を計画している" (ryokou wo keikaku shiteiru).

Using "計" in Writing

In writing, "計" is commonly used in technical documents or reports. For example, if you're writing a research paper, you might use "計測" (keisoku) to talk about measurements or "計算" (keisan) to discuss calculations. Similarly, if you're writing a business report, you might use "計画" (keikaku) to talk about planning or "策略" (sakuryaku) to discuss strategies.

Using "計" in Culture

"計" has also made its way into Japanese culture, appearing in everything from anime to literature. For example, in the popular anime "Death Note," the main character uses a notebook called a "Death Note" to plot the deaths of criminals. The notebook is adorned with the character "計," symbolizing the character's scheming and plotting.


In conclusion, "計" is a versatile character with many meanings and uses. Whether you're measuring ingredients, planning a trip, or plotting a scheme, understanding the different nuances of "計" is essential. By using "計" correctly, you can communicate more effectively in both conversation and writing.

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