> 5+ Sql Server 使い方 Ideas - Umnaz

5+ Sql Server 使い方 Ideas

Microsoft announces general availability of SQL Server 2016 MSPoweruser
Microsoft announces general availability of SQL Server 2016 MSPoweruser from mspoweruser.com

The Basics of SQL Server

If you're new to the world of SQL Server, it can be overwhelming to get started. SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that's used for storing and retrieving data. It's commonly used by businesses and organizations to manage large amounts of data.

The SQL Server software is made up of several components, including the database engine, management tools, and other services. The database engine is the core component of SQL Server, which stores and retrieves data from databases. SQL Server also includes a variety of management tools, such as SQL Server Management Studio, which allows you to manage and configure your SQL Server instance.

Creating a Database

One of the first things you'll need to do when working with SQL Server is to create a database. To do this, you can use SQL Server Management Studio, which is a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing SQL Server instances.

To create a new database, open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your SQL Server instance. Then, right-click on the Databases folder and select "New Database." You'll be prompted to enter a name for your database and specify any other options, such as the database file location.

Creating Tables and Adding Data

Once you've created your database, you can start creating tables and adding data. Tables are used to store data in a structured format, with each table representing a specific entity or concept.

To create a new table, you can use the "Table Designer" feature in SQL Server Management Studio. This allows you to visually create and modify tables using a graphical interface. You can specify the columns in your table, their data types, and any constraints or indexes.

Once you've created your table, you can add data to it using SQL statements. For example, you can use the "INSERT INTO" statement to add new rows to your table.

Retrieving Data

Retrieving data from your SQL Server database is done using SQL statements, such as the "SELECT" statement. This allows you to query your database and retrieve specific data based on your criteria.

The "SELECT" statement allows you to specify the columns you want to retrieve, as well as any conditions or filters. You can also use functions to manipulate the data you retrieve, such as the "SUM" or "COUNT" functions.

Updating and Deleting Data

You can also update and delete data in your SQL Server database using SQL statements. The "UPDATE" statement allows you to modify existing rows in a table, while the "DELETE" statement allows you to remove rows from a table.

It's important to be careful when updating or deleting data, as these actions can have serious consequences. Always make sure to back up your database before making any changes.

Advanced Features

SQL Server includes a variety of advanced features that can help you manage and optimize your database. For example, you can use SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to import and export data between different databases and formats.

You can also use SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) to create data models and perform data analysis. Additionally, SQL Server includes features for high availability and disaster recovery, such as database mirroring and AlwaysOn availability groups.


SQL Server is a powerful tool for managing and storing data. Whether you're new to SQL Server or an experienced user, there's always more to learn. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this article, you can get started with SQL Server and begin exploring its many features and capabilities.

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