> 6+ 金 鋸 使い方 Article - Umnaz

6+ 金 鋸 使い方 Article

あると便利、引き回し鋸|DIYで活躍する引き回し鋸の特徴と人気商品を紹介します。 makit(メキット)by DIY FACTORY
あると便利、引き回し鋸|DIYで活躍する引き回し鋸の特徴と人気商品を紹介します。 makit(メキット)by DIY FACTORY from makit.jp


If you're new to woodworking, you may have heard of a tool called a 金 鋸 (Kin-no-Kugui). This traditional Japanese saw is a staple in woodworking, and for good reason. It's an effective tool that can help you make precision cuts with ease. In this article, we'll be discussing how to use a Kin-no-Kugui for your woodworking projects.

What is a Kin-no-Kugui?

A Kin-no-Kugui is a hand saw that is used in woodworking. It is a traditional Japanese saw that is designed to cut on the pull stroke, as opposed to the push stroke. This makes it easier to control the saw and make precise cuts. Kin-no-Kugui saws are also known for their thin blades, which allow for intricate cuts in smaller pieces of wood.

Choosing the Right Kin-no-Kugui

Before you start using a Kin-no-Kugui, you need to choose the right one for your project. There are a few things to consider when choosing a saw, such as the size of the blade, the number of teeth per inch, and the type of teeth. For beginners, a saw with a smaller blade and fewer teeth per inch is a good choice. This will allow for more control when making cuts, and will also be easier to sharpen.

Preparing the Saw

Before you start using your Kin-no-Kugui, you need to make sure it's properly prepared. This means sharpening the blade and setting the teeth. If you're new to sharpening saws, it may be best to take your saw to a professional to have it sharpened. Once the blade is sharp, you'll want to set the teeth. This means bending each tooth slightly in opposite directions, which helps the saw cut more efficiently.

Using the Saw

When using a Kin-no-Kugui, it's important to remember to cut on the pull stroke. This means pulling the saw towards you, as opposed to pushing it away from you. You'll also want to use a light touch, letting the saw do the work instead of forcing it through the wood. When making cuts, it's best to start with a shallow cut and gradually increase the depth until you reach the desired depth.

Caring for Your Saw

To keep your Kin-no-Kugui in good condition, you'll need to take care of it properly. This means cleaning the blade after each use, and storing it in a dry place. You'll also want to oil the blade periodically to prevent rust. If you notice that your saw is getting dull, it's time to sharpen it again.


A Kin-no-Kugui is a valuable tool for any woodworker, whether you're a beginner or an experienced craftsman. With the right saw and a little practice, you can make precise cuts that will take your woodworking projects to the next level. Remember to choose the right saw for your project, prepare it properly, and use it with a light touch. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to mastering the Kin-no-Kugui.

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