> List Of ペッサリー 使い方 避妊 For You - Umnaz

List Of ペッサリー 使い方 避妊 For You

変わる早産対策…張り止め点滴 短期も ヨミドクター(読売新聞)
変わる早産対策…張り止め点滴 短期も ヨミドクター(読売新聞) from yomidr.yomiuri.co.jp


Birth control is an essential aspect of reproductive health. There are many different types of contraceptives available on the market today, including pills, condoms, and intrauterine devices (IUDs). However, not all methods work for everyone. For those who are looking for an alternative option, a pessary may be a suitable choice. In this article, we will discuss what a pessary is and how it can be used for birth control.

What is a Pessary?

A pessary is a small, flexible device that is inserted into the vagina to prevent pregnancy. It works by blocking the cervix, which prevents sperm from reaching the uterus. Pessaries come in different shapes and sizes, and they can be made of silicone, latex, or other materials.

How to Use a Pessary

Step 1: Consult with a Doctor

Before using a pessary, it is important to consult with a doctor. They can help determine if this method is right for you and provide instructions on how to use it correctly.

Step 2: Insert the Pessary

To insert a pessary, wash your hands thoroughly. Then, fold the device in half and insert it into the vagina. You can use a water-based lubricant to make insertion easier. The pessary should be placed as close to the cervix as possible.

Step 3: Check the Position

After inserting the pessary, you should check its position. You can do this by inserting a finger into the vagina and feeling for the device. If it is not in the correct position, gently push it up or down until it feels comfortable.

Step 4: Removal

To remove the pessary, wash your hands thoroughly. Then, insert a finger into the vagina and hook it around the edge of the device. Gently pull it out. Do not use any sharp objects to remove the pessary, as this can cause injury.

Benefits of Using a Pessary

There are several benefits to using a pessary for birth control. Firstly, it is a non-hormonal method, which means there are no side effects associated with hormonal contraceptives. Additionally, it is a reusable device, which makes it a more cost-effective option in the long run. Lastly, it can be inserted and removed as needed, which gives users more control over their reproductive health.

Side Effects and Risks

While pessaries are generally safe to use, there are some potential side effects and risks to be aware of. These include:

  • Discomfort or pain during insertion or removal
  • Increased risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Allergic reaction to the material the pessary is made of
  • Expulsion of the device from the vagina

If you experience any of these side effects or have concerns about using a pessary, speak with a doctor.


A pessary can be a safe and effective method of birth control for those who are looking for an alternative to hormonal contraceptives. By following the proper insertion and removal techniques and consulting with a doctor, users can enjoy the benefits of this device while minimizing the risks of side effects.

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