> 7+ Value 関数 使い方 Article - Umnaz

7+ Value 関数 使い方 Article

【具体例有】ExcelのMATCH関数はどう使う?-INDEX関数と組み合わせる便利ワザを紹介! ワカルニ
【具体例有】ExcelのMATCH関数はどう使う?-INDEX関数と組み合わせる便利ワザを紹介! ワカルニ from briarpatch.co.jp

What is Value Function?

Value function is a mathematical concept used in machine learning and artificial intelligence. It represents the expected long-term reward of being in a particular state and taking a particular action. In simpler terms, it helps to determine the value of a decision made in a specific situation.

Why is Value Function Important?

Value function is essential in reinforcement learning, where an agent learns to make decisions based on rewards and punishments. It helps the agent to determine the best course of action to take in a given situation. Value function is used to optimize the agent's decision-making process and maximize its long-term reward.

Types of Value Functions

There are two types of value functions: state-value function and action-value function. State-value function represents the expected long-term reward of being in a particular state, while action-value function represents the expected long-term reward of taking a particular action in a particular state.

State-Value Function

State-value function is denoted by V(s) and represents the expected long-term reward of being in a particular state s. It is calculated by taking the expected immediate reward and adding it to the discounted expected long-term reward of being in the next state.

Action-Value Function

Action-value function is denoted by Q(s,a) and represents the expected long-term reward of taking a particular action a in a particular state s. It is calculated by taking the immediate reward of taking the action and adding it to the discounted expected long-term reward of being in the next state.

How to Use Value Function

To use value function, you need to define the reward function and the transition function. The reward function determines the immediate reward of being in a particular state and taking a particular action, while the transition function determines the probability of moving to the next state after taking a particular action in a particular state.

Step 1: Define the Reward Function

The reward function should be defined based on the problem domain. It should assign a numerical value to each state-action pair that represents the immediate reward of being in that state and taking that action.

Step 2: Define the Transition Function

The transition function should be defined based on the problem domain. It should assign a probability to each state-action pair that represents the probability of moving to the next state after taking that action in that state.

Step 3: Calculate the Value Function

Once the reward function and the transition function are defined, you can calculate the value function using the Bellman equation. The Bellman equation is a recursive equation that expresses the expected long-term reward of being in a particular state as the immediate reward plus the discounted expected long-term reward of being in the next state.


Value function is a powerful concept that helps agents to make optimal decisions in reinforcement learning. It represents the expected long-term reward of being in a particular state and taking a particular action. There are two types of value functions: state-value function and action-value function. To use value function, you need to define the reward function and the transition function and calculate the value function using the Bellman equation. With this guide, you can now start using value function to optimize your decision-making process.

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