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Japanese language uses several counter words to indicate the quantity of objects. One of these counter words is "分" (ふん) which is used to represent a part or a fraction of a whole. In this article, we will discuss the various ways of using "分" in different contexts.
Using "分" for Time
In Japanese language, "分" is also used to indicate time. It is used to represent minutes in the clock. For example, "10:30" is read as "十時半" (じゅうじはん) which means "10 o'clock and 30 minutes". Here, "半" (はん) is used as a suffix for "30 minutes". Similarly, "15 minutes" is expressed as "十五分" (じゅうごふん).
Using "分" for Numbers
"分" is also used as a counter word for numbers. It is used to represent a fraction of a whole number. For example, "1/2" is written as "一分の二" (いちぶんのに) and "1/3" is written as "一分の三" (いちぶんのさん).
Using "分" for Dividing
"分" is also used to indicate dividing something into parts. For example, "分配" (ぶんぱい) means "distribution" or "allocation". It is used in the context of dividing something into parts and then distributing it among individuals.
Using "分" for Sharing
"分" is also used to indicate sharing something among individuals. For example, "分ける" (わける) means "to share" or "to divide". It is used when dividing something among two or more individuals.
Using "分" for Percentage
"分" is also used to indicate percentage. For example, "50%" is written as "五十分" (ごじっぷん). Similarly, "25%" is written as "二十五分" (にじゅうごふん).
Using "分" for Degrees
"分" is also used to indicate degrees in angles. For example, "30 degrees" is written as "三十分" (さんじゅうぶん).
Using "分" for Recipes
"分" is also used in cooking recipes to indicate the quantity of an ingredient. For example, "1 cup" is written as "一分の一" (いちぶんのいち) and "1 tablespoon" is written as "一分の一十五" (いちぶんのじゅうご).
Using "分" for Scores
"分" is also used to indicate scores in tests or exams. For example, "80 points" is written as "八十分" (はちじゅうぶん).
Using "分" for Money
"分" is also used to indicate money in Japanese language. It is used to represent a fraction of a yen. For example, "50 yen" is written as "五十円" (ごじゅうえん) and "1 yen and 50 sen" is written as "一円五十分" (いちえんごじっぷん).
"分" is a versatile counter word in Japanese language that is used to represent a fraction of a whole. It is used in various contexts including time, numbers, dividing, sharing, percentage, degrees, recipes, scores, and money. By understanding the various ways of using "分", one can communicate more effectively in Japanese language.
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