セブンイレブンからFAXを送ってみた!コンビニFAXにかかる時間とは? from xn--fax-gk4bueyb1o.com
In Japan, Seven Eleven is more than just a convenience store. It is a hub for various services, including the fax service. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of using the Seven Eleven fax service.
What You Need
Before heading to Seven Eleven, make sure you have the document you want to fax, the recipient's fax number, and enough cash to cover the cost of the service. Note that Seven Eleven only accepts cash for the fax service.
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Locate the fax machine at Seven Eleven. It is usually located near the printer and photocopier machines. 2. Pick up the handset and listen for a dial tone. 3. Enter the recipient's fax number using the keypad on the machine. 4. Wait for the confirmation tone, which indicates that the recipient's fax machine is ready to receive the document. 5. Place the document face down on the machine's glass surface. 6. Press the "Start" button and wait for the machine to scan and send the document. 7. Once the document has been sent, the machine will print a receipt with the transaction details, including the date, time, recipient's fax number, and the cost of the service. 8. Pay for the service at the register. The cost varies depending on the number of pages sent and the distance of the recipient's location. 9. Keep the receipt as proof of payment.
Tips and Tricks
- Double-check the recipient's fax number before sending the document to avoid sending it to the wrong person. - If you have multiple pages to fax, make sure to organize them in the correct order and staple them together before sending. - If you encounter any issues with the machine, ask for assistance from the staff at Seven Eleven.
The Seven Eleven fax service is a convenient and affordable way to send documents in Japan. With this guide, you can easily navigate the process and send your documents with ease. So next time you need to fax something, head to Seven Eleven and follow these simple steps.
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