> 6+ 無印 良品 スケジュール 帳 使い方 Article - Umnaz

6+ 無印 良品 スケジュール 帳 使い方 Article

2019年の手帳はシンプルな無印良品のバーチカルスケジュールノートにしました。良いところと悪いところのレビュー ENGRAVE
2019年の手帳はシンプルな無印良品のバーチカルスケジュールノートにしました。良いところと悪いところのレビュー ENGRAVE from engrave.blog


Muji, a popular Japanese brand, is known for its minimalist and functional products. One of their most popular products is the Muji Schedule Book or planner. In this article, we will discuss how to effectively use the Muji Schedule Book in 2023.

Choosing the Right Size

The first step in using the Muji Schedule Book is to choose the right size. The planner comes in various sizes, including A5, B6, and B5. If you have a lot of appointments and tasks, it's recommended to go for the B5 size. However, if you prefer a compact planner that you can easily carry around, go for the A5 size.

Setting Up the Planner

Once you have chosen the right size, it's time to set up the planner. The Muji Schedule Book comes with monthly and weekly pages. Use the monthly pages to mark important dates such as birthdays, holidays, and appointments. The weekly pages are where you can plan your daily tasks and schedule.

Color Coding

Color coding is a great way to organize your planner and make it easier to read. Assign a color to different categories such as work, personal, and school. This will help you quickly identify what tasks you need to do for that day.

Using Stickers

If you want to add some fun and personality to your planner, you can use stickers. Muji offers a variety of stickers that you can use to mark important events or add some decoration to your pages. However, don't go overboard with the stickers as it can make your planner look cluttered.

Tracking Habits

The Muji Schedule Book also comes with habit tracker pages. Use these pages to track your daily habits such as drinking water, exercising, or reading. This will help you stay motivated and accountable for your goals.

Reviewing and Reflecting

At the end of each week or month, take some time to review and reflect on your progress. Did you accomplish all your tasks? Did you miss any important deadlines? Use this time to make adjustments and plan for the next week or month.

Staying Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to using a planner. Make it a habit to update your planner every day and stick to your schedule. This will help you stay organized and efficient.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks for using the Muji Schedule Book:

  • Use a pen that doesn't bleed through the pages
  • Keep your planner in a visible and accessible place
  • Don't overbook your schedule
  • Use the notes section for jotting down ideas or thoughts


The Muji Schedule Book is a great tool for staying organized and on top of your schedule. By following these tips and tricks, you can effectively use the planner to achieve your goals and stay productive in 2023.

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