> 10+ スタバ E ギフト 使い方 Ideas - Umnaz

10+ スタバ E ギフト 使い方 Ideas

【スタバ】eギフトでドリンク購入してCoffeeSantaをもらおう★ あんふぁんWeb
【スタバ】eギフトでドリンク購入してCoffeeSantaをもらおう★ あんふぁんWeb from enfant.living.jp


Starbucks is one of the most popular coffee chains in the world. With its numerous locations and delicious drinks, it's no wonder that people often choose Starbucks as their go-to spot for a caffeine fix. One of the most convenient ways to enjoy Starbucks is through their e-gift card system. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about using Starbucks e-gift cards in 2023.

What are Starbucks e-Gift Cards?

Starbucks e-gift cards are digital gift cards that you can purchase online or through the Starbucks app. You can send them to friends and family or use them yourself to make purchases at any Starbucks location. They're a convenient way to pay for your coffee, especially if you don't want to carry cash or a physical gift card.

How to Purchase Starbucks e-Gift Cards

To purchase a Starbucks e-gift card, you can do so online or through the Starbucks app. Simply select the amount you want to gift, enter the recipient's email address, and add a personalized message. You can also choose to send the e-gift card immediately or schedule it for a future date.

How to Use Starbucks e-Gift Cards

Once you've received your Starbucks e-gift card, you can add it to your Starbucks account in the app. To do this, go to the "Pay" section and select "Add Gift Card." Enter the gift card number and security code, and the card will be added to your account. You can then use it to make purchases at any Starbucks location.

Expiration Dates and Terms of Use

Starbucks e-gift cards do have expiration dates, so make sure to use them before they expire. The expiration date will be listed on the e-gift card itself. Additionally, there are some terms of use that you should be aware of. For example, you can't use an e-gift card to purchase other gift cards, and you can't reload an e-gift card with additional funds.

Checking Your Balance

To check the balance on your Starbucks e-gift card, simply go to the "Pay" section in the app and select "Manage." You'll be able to see your card balance, as well as any recent transactions.

Lost or Stolen Cards

If your Starbucks e-gift card is lost or stolen, you should contact Starbucks customer service as soon as possible. They may be able to help you recover the remaining balance on the card.

Using Starbucks Rewards with e-Gift Cards

If you're a Starbucks Rewards member, you can use your e-gift card to earn and redeem rewards. Simply make a purchase with your e-gift card and the rewards will be added to your account.


Overall, Starbucks e-gift cards are a convenient and easy way to pay for your favorite Starbucks drinks and treats. Whether you're sending them as a gift or using them yourself, they're a great way to enjoy your coffee without worrying about carrying cash or a physical gift card. With the tips in this article, you'll be able to use your e-gift card with ease and confidence.

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