> 10+ 物故 者 使い方 Ideas - Umnaz

10+ 物故 者 使い方 Ideas

ブログ記事一覧電友会北海道地方本部電電こぶし会(ブログ) from blog.goo.ne.jp


"Botsugo-sha" is a term used in Japan to refer to deceased individuals who have become spirits. Many people believe that these spirits can bring good fortune or offer protection, and as such, they are often honored and revered in various ways. In this article, we will discuss how to use "botsugo-sha" in a respectful and meaningful way.

Understanding "Botsugo-sha"

Before delving into how to use "botsugo-sha," it is essential to understand what they are and what they represent. In Japanese culture, death is viewed as a natural part of life, and it is believed that the spirits of the deceased continue to exist in some form. "Botsugo-sha" are considered to be protective spirits that can bring good luck, health, and prosperity to those who honor them.

Ways to Honor "Botsugo-sha"

There are several ways to show respect and honor to "botsugo-sha." One of the most common ways is to offer incense and pray at a shrine or temple. Many people also create altars in their homes dedicated to their deceased loved ones, where they can offer food, drinks, and other offerings. It is also common to visit the graves of ancestors and offer flowers or other gifts.

Using "Botsugo-sha" for Protection

In addition to offering respect and honor, many people believe that "botsugo-sha" can offer protection. Some people carry amulets or talismans with the image of a "botsugo-sha" to ward off evil spirits or bad luck. Others may ask for the help of a "botsugo-sha" when facing difficult challenges or decisions in their lives.

Respecting Local Traditions

It is important to note that the way in which "botsugo-sha" are honored can vary depending on the region and local traditions. It is essential to respect these traditions and customs and to follow them when honoring "botsugo-sha." This can include specific prayers, offerings, or rituals that are unique to a particular area.


In conclusion, "botsugo-sha" are an essential part of Japanese culture and traditions. By understanding and respecting these customs, we can honor the spirits of our ancestors and seek their protection and support. Whether it is through visiting a shrine, creating an altar at home, or carrying a talisman, there are many ways to use "botsugo-sha" in a meaningful and respectful way.

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