余った生クリームを便利に冷凍保存♪♡ by ♥さやお♥ 【クックパッド】 簡単おいしいみんなのレシピが367万品 from cookpad.com
If you're a fan of sweets and desserts, you're probably familiar with 生クリーム (fresh cream). This creamy ingredient is often used in cakes, pies, and other delicious treats. In this article, we'll be sharing tips and tricks on how to use 生クリーム in your baking and cooking.
What is 生クリーム?
生クリーム, or fresh cream, is a type of dairy product that has a high fat content. It's made by separating milk into cream and skim milk. The cream is then pasteurized and packaged. 生クリーム is commonly used in Japanese desserts, but it can also be used in other recipes.
Types of 生クリーム
There are two main types of 生クリーム: heavy cream and light cream. Heavy cream has a higher fat content and is often used in recipes that require a thicker consistency. Light cream has a lower fat content and is better suited for recipes that require a lighter texture.
Using 生クリーム in Baking
Whipping 生クリーム
One of the most common uses for 生クリーム is whipping it to make whipped cream. To do this, you'll need to chill the cream and your mixing bowl and beaters in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Once chilled, pour the cream into the bowl and beat on high speed until peaks form. Be careful not to overbeat, or the cream will turn into butter!
Adding 生クリーム to Cake Batter
生クリーム can also be added to cake batter to make it more moist and tender. Simply fold in whipped 生クリーム into the batter until fully incorporated. This will give your cake a light and fluffy texture.
Using 生クリーム in Cooking
Making Creamy Sauces
生クリーム can be used to make creamy sauces for pasta, vegetables, and other dishes. To make a basic cream sauce, heat up some butter and minced garlic in a pan. Add in some 生クリーム and simmer until the sauce thickens. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Using 生クリーム in Soups
生クリーム can also be added to soups to make them richer and creamier. Simply add a splash of 生クリーム to your soup and stir well. Be sure not to boil the soup after adding the cream, as it may curdle.
Tips for Using 生クリーム
- Always chill your 生クリーム before whipping it. - Be careful not to overbeat the cream, or it will turn into butter. - Use heavy cream for thicker textures and light cream for lighter textures. - Always add 生クリーム to hot liquids slowly to prevent curdling. - 生クリーム can be stored in the fridge for up to a week.
生クリーム is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of sweet and savory dishes. Whether you're making whipped cream or a creamy pasta sauce, these tips and tricks will help you get the most out of your 生クリーム. Experiment with different recipes and have fun!
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