> 8+ ステッキ 使い方 References - Umnaz

8+ ステッキ 使い方 References

正しい杖の使い方~階段編~ 株式会社五月商店 ガス・水道・介護で地域に安心安全を
正しい杖の使い方~階段編~ 株式会社五月商店 ガス・水道・介護で地域に安心安全を from satsuki-5.co.jp

The Basics of Using a Walking Stick

If you are experiencing joint pain, balance issues or difficulty walking, using a walking stick can help you improve your mobility and reduce your risk of falls. Before you start using your walking stick, make sure that it is the right size for you. The ideal height of a walking stick should be around the same level as your wrist when your arm is hanging by your side.

Once you have the right size walking stick, hold it in your dominant hand and place it about one step ahead of your non-dominant foot. You can then put weight on the stick as you move your non-dominant foot forward. This will help you maintain balance and reduce the impact on your joints.

Advanced Techniques for Using a Walking Stick

There are many different ways to use a walking stick depending on your needs and abilities. For example, if you have a weak grip, you can use a strap or grip to help you hold onto the stick more securely. You can also use a walking stick to help you climb stairs or navigate rough terrain.

To use your walking stick on stairs, hold it in your non-dominant hand and place it on the step below you. You can then use your other hand to hold onto a railing or wall for balance. As you step up with your non-dominant foot, lift the walking stick to the next step and repeat the process until you reach the top.

Maintaining Your Walking Stick

To ensure that your walking stick stays in good condition, it's important to clean and maintain it regularly. If your walking stick is made of wood, you can use a damp cloth to wipe it down and a special polish to keep it looking shiny. If it's made of metal or plastic, you can use a mild detergent and warm water to clean it.

You should also check your walking stick regularly for any signs of wear and tear. If the rubber tip is worn down, you should replace it to ensure that you have enough traction. If the stick becomes loose or wobbly, you should tighten the screws or take it to a professional for repair.


Using a walking stick can be a great way to improve your mobility and reduce your risk of falls. By following these tips and tricks, you can make sure that you are using your walking stick correctly and safely. Remember to choose the right size stick, use it in the correct hand, and maintain it regularly to ensure that it lasts for years to come.

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